
Roll a Fortitude Check :: RoF Collab

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A new rainstorm cast shadows throughout the land, sending chills down the spines of those that dared to face what was coming. The water fell in sheets, and any travelers in the area found it difficult to see into the distance. The renowned, tribal landmarks that speckled the path became invisible behind pouring rain.  Every so often, a flash of lightning would spark the sky in a brilliant bang of color. In those brief moments of light, silhouettes of the travelers' bodies became noticeable.  Those travelers, heads bowed against the wind and held low with unimaginable despair, pushed forward through the dark. The three brutes held their forms stiffly as to not let rainwater soak what little remained warm... if anything did.  At the front of the group trudged a half-mane male, beads of water streaking his dun coat that was now peppered in sludge-like residue. Yellow eyes flashed in the dark, diligent and alert despite the conditions.  On the inside, however, the male was exhausted and eager to sleep. His followers, two full maned males that had braved this journey with the dun, trudged after him with tired, sodden bodies.  Their paws sloshed into the puddles their leader had created before them, spraying each leg with a new burst of wet mud at each "plop". One, a coffee creamed tawny with eyes of emerald, shot glimpses at the horizon.  This was a feeble attempt to make out the stone structures that signaled that the group was heading in the right direction. Unfortunately, visibility was shot and the endeavor was hopeless through the falling rain.  This spring shower showed no sign of letting up any time soon. He allowed his head to fall back again as he felt fingers run through his soaked mane.  The body, his handler, sat atop him shivering and soaked to the bone. Beside him, a younger male, speckled in piebald and white, made his discontent known through whimpers and whines. Worry sat heavy in the patchy male’s blue-green orbs, and his owner made no attempt to settle his internal storm. Their handlers were miserable, wet, and unwilling to offer consolation, although the task had to be completed. The TCA had no pity or remorse for those that chose to take on their Rites in inconvenient weather, and once the dates were chosen, there was no turning around or backing out. As the spring storm had begun to fester and spin out of control in the days beforehand, the group knew their choice of days would be one they would remember for a long while.

A sudden snort shot through the air as thunder rang out above the sodden group of travelers. The half-mane Laurel had caught the scent of prey in the moistened wind.  The tokotas silently rejoiced; where there was prey, there was surely shelter. Laurel bolted off after the scent, water beating against his shortened fur as Nathan cried out, calling his fellow companions to follow them. Faith had been entrusted to the male and his mount, and without hesitation, the females followed, their full maned males racing after the leading duo. Lightning pierced the darkened sky, seeming to split it in two as the group of six raced across the landscape. As they went, they kicked up mud and were lashed by rain. The thunder and the pelting rain together felt as if a whip was urging them all to race faster.  Another crack of thunder, another bolt of lightning… and in the distance, an Inukshuk stood against the dark sky in the direction the group had chosen to head. Clouds billowed behind it, illuminating it and bringing it to the attention of the handlers.  Waves of relief washed over the entire group. All of the hearts and minds of the pack were set on reaching that standing monument of progress, so the handlers spurred their mounts into a full gallop. Mother Nature would do whatever she could to hold them back, but they persevered.  They continued to push onward laving large craters of mud in their wake.  They knew that under no circumstances should they give up on their challenge.  However, if shelter was available, the group would happily accept the opportunity rest in between periods of travel. The battle over the elements was difficult, but they successfully closed in on the landmark, knowing that the trees and woods surrounding it meaning for an easier travel through these parts. To their great relief, a cave loomed at the foot of the great landmark, and after exchanging but a second’s worth of eye contact, the six were relieved of their hell, sighs escaping every muzzle and pair of lips. The group pushed into the cave, and three tokotas and three humanoids were welcomed into the comforting and mostly dry area. With the large beasts ducking in first, it made space a little tight, but enough room was left over to turn away from the cold rain of the storm, and perhaps a small fire could be sparked to life.

Jezibell made quick work of the shelter’s entrance with the help of Nathan, the two tarping the opening in an attempt to keep out the wind and water. Their mounts quivered under soaking tack, the assortment of eyes all meeting one another as Sozin prepared a mediocre fire. The logs, safely nestled in her mount’s saddle bag, had escaped Mother Nature for the most part. Though a few bore signs of having gotten wet, a good amount was alright enough for use. They crackled to life above the kindling, though with the small space, only a log or two was useable at once. It didn’t matter, though, for the fire brought life to the cavern that they had claimed. Sozin, her fur soaked much like the mounts, sat shivering beside the glowing flames, casting a glimpse to her companions as they proceeded to pull the tack from Carajillo, Touson, and Laurel. The beasts shook in delight after being freed from their dripping prisons, and they wasted no time creating a fortress of fur around the flames that danced in front of the feline anthro. “Everyone okay?” Jezibell’s voice was the first to speak once the group had settled. She pulled her glasses from her yellowed eyes to clear the raindrops from them, smiling slightly at her female companion’s response. “Alright for a lack of better words… I can’t believe we’ve had to go through three days of this already…” Nathan grumbled heavily from the place where the saddle bags lay, unbundling cooking materials and pulling a skinned rabbit from Laurel’s side pouch. The females exchanged a gentle sigh in response, the two making for towels to dry their mounts’ coats. Carajillo chuffed slightly, leaning into the warm cloth with relaxed eyes. Touson was a little less willing to accept the cloth, but after a glance at his new friend’s relaxed state, he too accepted the drying cloth. Silence filled the cavern, save small noises from the Tokotas and the sizzling and boiling of dinner. The thought on everyone’s mind was clear: Day three of their travels had them dealing with the worst storm of spring. Was there any way that this experience could get any more ‘enjoyable’?

The night stretched on into day, although none could tell the difference.  As they peeked around the tarp that had been hung the night before, none of the members of the troupe could see any change in the color and texture of the sky. “There doesn’t seem to be any sign of the storm letting up,” Nathan sighed as he sunk back into the cavern floor. “However, plenty of time has passed, and it should be day out there... finally.”  His two companions nodded in stoic agreement, as everyone knew what was to happen next- they would have to brave the storm and fight through it once again. Group morale sunk just a little bit more than it already was as they allowed the final log to sizzle out of flame.  Once the tokotas were re-tacked with their sodden tack, Nathan and Jezibell made the final move to pull away the tarp and, all at once, their cubby hole lost all heat. Despite their long coats, even the full manes stiffened at the sudden cold.  Nathan felt badly for his poor half-mane; Laurel did not have nearly as much fur as the other two.  In exchange for this rite, Laurel had earned himself a lifetime supply of belly rubs.  Warmth wicked out of the air like snuffing out a candle, and with heavy hearts, the small caravan thrust themselves back out into the frosty fingers of the storm. Wind whipped at their hair and cut into their cheeks, driving away whatever warm thoughts they might have had left from the cave. Ducking away into the pseudo shelter of the trees was a welcome one, but here a new danger lay in wait for them all.Lightning rippled overhead and wind whipped at the tree limps above them. Darkness had fallen in the woods, deeper than the one they had to face only moments before in the chilling downpour. Aside from the occasional ripple of thunder and the wind cutting through the trunks, it seemed much calmer in the safety of these trees. At least the rain was much lighter here, and the Tokotas felt comfortable enough to shake out their manes before continuing on. Time crawled by slowly, dauntingly as the group continued. None spoke very much at this time, as they all seemed rather tired of simply going on. But they had to for these Tokotas to gain their Rites of Fortitude. Heavy hearts and eyelids were a constant battle now that they felt even a twinge of safety here. The darkness provided less comfort than the cracks of thunder and wash out rain they were experiencing, for no other creatures would be rediculous enough to travel very far out in this weather. A smile pulled at the lips of the handlers as they shared this information with one another, but soon, Laurel was pulling at his lead. 

The half mane Tokota was on alert, sending shivers of nervousness throughout the group. Behind him, Carajillo stiffened in response, and began snuffing at the whipping wind that tore through them savagely. Touson was the last to pick up on the burst of unsettlement and Sozin quickly realized he had tucked his tail a bit. She knew it was because this wasn't his home yet. Not to Touson atleast. He wasn't comfortable with these Tokotas and whatever was out there was a threat. He didn't know if he could depend on them. Sozin offered her mount words of encouragement, but she was unsure if they stuck as a warning snarl ripped through the lead Tokotas chest. The Tokota, unsure whether to turn tail and run or face the threat and fight, glanced behind himself to the other Tokotas in his party, and flicked his ears. They weren't ready for a battle. They were tired, wet and hungry. Knowing the threat was coming this way and would be upon them soon, he turned and started down another path- probably longer than their origional trek, but Nathan trusted his Tokotas judgment. He allowed the overly cautious Tokota to make his move and break new brush. The journey was only more difficult from there. The darkness hindered their vision many times, and the rain made their path slick. Both Tokota and handler alike received cuts and scrapes from the branches that awaited them, but soon, they found themselves out of the woods and onto a straight tundra. The sky above had turned less than an angry black and more of a wet gray. Rain came down in puddles and less of buckets. Considering the difference, it made all the Tokotas a bit happier. However, not as happy as they were to see the registration building off in the distance. It stood alone as a beacon of hope that the journey would soon be cover. All at once, the Tokotas began to wag their tails in excitement, and their journey took on a whole new purpose. It was as if a fresh breath was blown into their bodies, and it stayed that way as the Tokotas began galloping towards their newfound hope.

Total HP
2050 Words :: 10 HP
Tribe Bonus :: 2 HP
Collab Bonus :: 1 HP
Show Bonus :: 1 HP
Handler Bonus :: 2 HP

Total :: 16 HP
3 way Collab with Luna-puppy and Moon-Skye and myself
we got it done omg. 

Link or thumbnail of import sheet: Laurel 11560
Registered name and ID number: Laurel 11560
Prestige breeder or Pack leader?: 
Handler name: Nathan

Supplementary Items: N/A
Training images and/or bonus images: N/A

Link or thumbnail of import sheet: Carajillo 4489

Registered name and ID number: Carajillo 4489
Prestige breeder or Pack leader?: PB
Handler name: Jezibell
Supplementary Items: N/A
Training images and/or bonus images: N/A

Link or thumbnail of import sheet: Touson 7111
Registered name and ID number: Touson 7111
Prestige breeder or Pack leader?: PB
Handler name: Sozin
Supplementary Items: N/A
Training images and/or bonus images: N/A

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